Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Roast chicken with root vegetables

The picture didn't turn out that great, but the chicken was quite good, even though it was missing some skin around the breast, bad shopping on my part.

I threw some turnips in there for the first time with the potato and carrot was was underwhelmed. The turnip had a texture that didn't work for me. This was a basic roast chicken, though I used a quarter of the butter, and I didn't preheat the cast iron pan.

It all cooked in a 425 degree oven for about an hour. While the chicken was resting I cooked the veggies a bit more in the pan to get some more color on them. I'll do it again, I forgot how much I like roast carrots, they had a great flavor that just really popped.

This recipe was inspired from the Ad Hoc cookbook.

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